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A Food Distribution Program for the 115,000 Bostonians

I propose a food distribution program for the 115,000 impoverished Bostonians.


I call for the creation of a food distribution center that would deliver food boxes to those in need in the city. The boxes would not be involved in anyway with food assistance received.


I would ask our Governor to negotiate to receive surplus government food like peanut butter, beans etc.. Make deals with local farms to buy fresh produce.


A system would be set up where food is packaged at a facility in Boston. The packages would be made by those in recovery, felons and others with issues to employment. Summer at a different facility would be a Summer job for teens.


Teens would pack half the day. The other half they would work learning a trade or  college prep programs. Food deliveries will include fresh vegetables, etc..


The city of Boston would ask our state representatives to go to Congress for funding. No one should go hungry in Boston!!

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